
British Values

Our Puffin code and our core values of 'Respect, Happiness and Growth' help us to understand how to live out our British values. 
We fully embrace the commitment to “create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs." (DfE 2014).
These values are explicitly taught in our weekly collective worship using the Picture News resources. We also discuss the British Values through our Religious Education lessons, our PSHE lessons and across other areas of our broad and balanced curriculum.



We are proud to promote and celebrate our different backgrounds and beliefs. Pupils learn that all members of the school community deserve to be treated with respect and that differences are to be accepted and celebrated. We teach about other faiths and beliefs in Religious Education lessons, PSHE lessons and though our collective worship. Children learn about the importance of challenging prejudice and discrimination and they are keen to show others how inclusive King Edwin Primary School is. 


The Rule of Law

As soon as children join us at King Edwin Primary School, they start to learn the difference between right and wrong. Our families and children have worked together to create our Puffin Code, which is a set of clear guidelines that all children and adults are expected to follow. Through their daily school life and explicitly in PHSE lessons, they develop their understanding of actions, responsibilities and consequences. We believe that all members of our school are 'bucket fillers', always being respectful and doing kind things for others. Our behaviour policy is based around this premise and children understand by not following our Puffin Code, they become a 'bucket dipper'. 


Mutual Respect

One of our core values at King Edwin Primary School is ‘Respect’. Here, we care about and are consideration of the feelings of others. We recognise the importance of listening to what people have to say, even if we do not always agree with them. Staff and pupils model respect through our positive interactions and relationships with others. We pride ourselves on being kind to one another and always using good manners. Above all else, we show respect by following our Puffin Code. 


Individual Liberty

Through RE, PSHE and Collective Worship, we help to develop an understanding of the concept of freedom and choice. We learn that all of our actions have consequences and that it is important to make the right choices. Children also learn the consequences of making poor choices and how they can rectify this. Our curriculum teaches children how to keep themselves safe and how to make sensible choices. 



At King Edwin Primary School we recognise and value to voice of our pupils. We regularly ask children for their views about different aspects of school and we act on these to make school a better place for everyone. Classes vote democratically for their School Councillors and Puffin Patrollers who represent the views of their peers at regular meetings. Children learn about the history of democracy and the privilege they have of being able to have their say.