

Government guidance states that:
‘Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Headteachers should determine the number of school days a child can be away from school if the leave is granted.’
All decisions in relation to whether leave of absence is granted (authorised) or not (unauthorised) should be applied consistently and equitably. Parents are not entitled to remove children for holidays, leave of absence must be applied for and the decision to authorise absence rests entirely with the headteacher. Governors have agreed that holidays during term time are generally not ‘exceptional circumstances’ and HOLIDAYS DURING TERM TIME WILL NOT USUALLY BE AUTHORISED at King Edwin Primary School.
Parents must still request leave of absence for holidays in advance using a holiday request form available from the school office or on the school website (see below). All requests should be submitted to the school office at the earliest possible opportunity, ideally prior to booking a holiday and at least 2 weeks before a holiday is taken. The form gives further information about the implications and possible consequences of taking holidays during term time. School will send a response to the holiday request as soon as possible.